KIRA AI: Shared Vision for AI Success
17th March 2020 | Global live stream
What could be the shared vision for artificial intelligence in the built environment?
Event Description
Why the real estate and construction industry needs to quickly gain a deeper understanding of artificial intelligence and machine learning? And how could companies start their AI journey and learn quickly to establish rugged development roadmaps that support their business? Answers to these questions will be presented in this panel discussion, where a group of artificial intelligence experts from various fields share their knowledge. Their expertise, skills and experiences create, through discussion, common frameworks for future industry development.
At the event, the Finnish AI Accelerator FAIA will provide additional assistance to avid learners by publishing the second part of their AI Playbook series, titled “How to get going with Artificial Intelligence.”
Please note that the opening panel discussion will be in English, but the rest of the programme will be in Finnish.

Minna Mustakallio
Lead Designer

Iiris Bisi
Project Director
Reaktor Education & Elements of AI

Ricardo Farinha
Director of Technology

Tuija Pakkanen
Urban Analyst
Participated online
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Kokemukset KIRA-alan tekoälykiihdyttämöstä – näin päästiin alkuun
Mistä liikkeelle tekoälyn hyödyntämisessä?
Opit KIRA-alasta ja uuden FAIA Playbookin julkaisu
Antti Poikola

This event is part of WDBE2020 programme
World Summit on the Digital Built Environment 2020 brings together professionals from the public and private sector globally. This year our summit offers global pre-events and three exciting, action packed days in Helsinki, Tallinn and on the boat in between.