Improving built environment – solutions from Maria 01 startups
AINS Group and KIRAHub have joined forces to showcase the forward-minded startups of Maria 01 that offer progressive digital solutions for the built environment. KIRAHub has selected seven companies from the Maria 01 members to pitch their solutions for the AINS Group CVC program.
Watch live stream here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=7rYGcpTmdRY
The pitching event will broadcast live from KIRAHub’s Urban3 space and the stream can be watched online on 22nd April at 13–15 via KIRAHub’s social media channels.
Urban3 is a meeting place dedicated to innovation in the built environment opened by KIRAHub at the beginning of the year on the Maria 01 campus. The space is designed as a home for events, open co-development and an experimental platform, and there is also a showroom presenting solutions.
13.00 Welcoming words by KIRAHub
13.05 Introduction to the CVC Program by Jaakko Jauhiainen, CTO & Ilkka Hyssy CFO, AINS Group
13.20 Startup pitching + Q&A
Pointscene – Lauri Hartikainen, CEO
CHAOS – Natalia Rincon, CEO
Askel – Ville Sipola, CEO
Proximi.io – Annina Koskiola, CEO
Immersal – Anttoni Vesterinen, CEO
Trail – Sara Tiittanen, CEO
Digital City Planner – Maria Alisova, Product Management
14.30 Open discussion: Wishes and needs + questions from startups & whole ecosystem about the CVC Programme
14.55 Closing words and next steps by KIRAHUB & AINS Group
15.00 Event ends