Think Smartgrids’ introduction to ongoing trends in the electro mobility sector in France
Smart Otaniemi and French smart grid ecosystem Think Smartgrids are starting a collaboration! As in result, we will arrange a webinar where Think Smartgrids’ experts will introduce to Smart Otaniemi members the ongoing trends in the electro mobility sector in France. Leading experts on the electrical grid management and key market players will share their views on the upscaling of electric fleets and the required infrastructure.
You are welcome to join us on Friday 12th June at 10am EET/9am CET to hear more on the following topics:
- Dimensioning the grid for electrical vehicles
- How to adapt the MV and LV grid to the development of the EV
- Public transports electrification, a concrete example
- Innovative business models for electric fleet
Register via this link as soon as possible or by Wednesday 10th June. We will send the webinar link to registered persons.
Looking forward seeing you in the webinar,
Sanna Öörni
Co-Creation Manager, VTT/Smart Otaniemi, +358 40 842 0898, sanna.oorni@vtt.fi
France’s largely decarbonized electrical mix makes it a key player in the uptake of e-mobility in Europe. With more than 200 000 electric vehicles already on the road, the sector is entering industrial phase and an ambitious target of seven million of charging points by 2030 has already been set out by public authorities. Innovative uses, such as V2G (vehicle-to-grid) and self-consumption, are also being tested on France’s soil.
Think Smartgrids is a professional association dedicated to the development of smart grids solutions in France through supportive actions and international collaborations. It brings together a hundred of big and small companies, universities and various institutions, thus creating a dynamic ecosystem in which e-mobility actors take an important part.