Let's share!

We welcome you to share your story to inspire the ecosystem.

 Transparent and inclusive cooperation will bring about lasting change!

Wonderful things happen when ideas, knowledge, stories and data are shared openly. Hit the button below and share your story with us – we will share it with the whole ecosystem.

Let us hear your voice

We want to accelerate systemic change through sustainable digitalisation. The power of community is immeasurable, and your story can encourage us all to work for a better tomorrow. Together, we can create a polyphonic and transparent ecosystem that looks positively at the future. We need to be inspired – and therefore inspire. 

Here’s how to take action – upload your video now

We want to show the power of open sharing to the world. You can send us a short video greeting where you briefly explain how sharing and collaboration have contributed to the success of the industry or your organization. 

The instructions are simple, but even more important

  • Capture the video on your mobile phone exactly where it feels most natural.
  • Choose a mode that does not drown your important words in background noise.
  • Set the camera to shoot horizontally and make sure we see your friendly face well.
  • We prefer English. However, you are also free to declare in Finnish or even in Swedish. We will subtitle your message.
  • Tell us briefly how you and your organisation define sustainable digitalisation of the built environment. 
  • Tell a story about the power of open sharing. You can use this tagline: By sharing _____ with _____, we were able to _____
  • End your video with our positive encouragement “Let’s share!”

Join the ecosystem

We have only just begun our operation and invite you to join the journey. Below you can subscribe to our newsletter where you’ll find all the latest updates from the ecosystem. And please, share your vision with us. Let’s discuss together on how to accelerate sustainable digitalisation!

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