This page contains questions and answers about the Low-Carbon Built Environment Program.

Frequently asked questions


When will the Low-carbon Built Environment Programme end?

The projects financed by the programme must be completed at latest by the end of 2025, and the programme’s impacts and results will be reported to the Commission by the end of June 2026. 

The programme’s funding comes from the EU’s one-off recovery instrument, and the programme’s duration and period for the use of funding are specified in the agreement between Finland and the EU.

Can the programme still provide funding?

The majority of the funding available to the programme has been allocated to projects that applied for discretionary government grants in 2021–2023. If some funding still remains unused, it is possible that the Ministry of the Environment will launch one supplementary application period in early 2024. Information on this will be provided on the programme’s website and via the Ministry’s social media channels. 

Calls for funding applications for Business Finland’s RRF Low-carbon Built Environment Programme have ended. Projects can apply for Business Finland funding for research, product development and various business development needs without separate application periods. In particular, Business Finland can fund SMEs and midcaps seeking significant growth in export markets by granting grants or loans for ambitious R&D projects that provide the company an international competitive advantage.


How many funded projects are there, and where can I find information on these?

The Ministry of the Environment and Business Finland have funded a total of 130 projects.

Most of the funded projects are showcased on the programme’s website www.kirailmasto.fi on the Situation Room page.

The projects funded by the Ministry of the Environment are also listed in the Government’s open project window. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/hanke?tunnus=YM004:00/2022

Companies that have received Business Finland’s RRF funding are listed in Business Finland’s open data (filter RRF’s low-carbon built environment):


Where can I find information on the results of completed projects?

The final reports of projects funded by the Ministry of the Environment have been published in the project window, in section Documents. https://valtioneuvosto.fi/hanke?tunnus=YM004:00/2022

The projects also have their own publication channels, and information on these can be found in the project cards posted on the Situation Room page of the www.kirailmasto.fi website. 

Communication on the projects’ results is being developed continuously, and several results events are also organised for the programme. For comprehensive information, visit www.kirailmasto.fi and subscribe to the newsletter.

Is other funding available for the promotion of a low-carbon built environment?

The Ministry of the Environment is currently not aware of any new funding opportunities related to the topic.

Business Finland will continue to fund the research and development of built environment solutions. In particular, events organised by the Decarbonized Cities programme bring together built environment actors. The programme builds partnerships with selected foreign cities, and companies and research institutes can both sell and develop solutions to their challenges. 


Where can I get information and support for promoting the export of a low-carbon product or service?

Business Finland provides a diverse range of assistance for international growth and funding to support internationalisation:


Business Finland publishes market opportunities identified by the Team Finland network around the world:


Market studies produced by the programme, in particular those related to the low-carbon built environment, are available in the Business Finland Media Bank (-> Low-carbon Built Environment (RRF) – Market studies):



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