Digital Construction Hackathon Addressing the Construction Sector’s Challenges is Inviting Entrants

The Digital Construction Cluster, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and Garage48 are inviting entrants to the Garage48 Digital Construction hackathon aimed at working out solutions to improve bottlenecks in the construction industry.

The virtual hackathon to take place on 25th to 27th September is anticipating participation from both domestic and foreign companies that are conscious of shortcomings in the construction industry, which could be overcome by means of digital solutions. The goal is to create in 48 hours “clickable prototypes” or workable solutions to promote the digitalisation of the construction sector.

According to Martin Polikarpus, Member of the Board of the Digital Construction Cluster, what the construction industry needs is a tiger leap. “We can clearly see that you can no longer develop the industry using only a pickaxe and a hammer, and we need digital solutions across the entire construction life cycle,” he said. “Hopefully, during this virtual weekend we will be able to create quite a few prototypes to help solve the problems in the construction sector.”

Jaan Saar, Head of Digital Construction at the MEAC’s Construction and Housing Department, added that the hackathon is a great opportunity to try out new ideas and solutions. “Construction is lagging behind the other sectors in digitalisation, but this is about to change – companies are actively seeking opportunities to modernise outdated processes. On the state’s part, we are contributing by creating an e-construction platform for easier access to the data and services associated with the built environment,” Saar said.

The MEAC will also award a prize, a seed capital of 15,000 euros, to the team selected by the jury who have best integrated their service into the e-construction platform.

How to participate?


To take part in the hackathon, send your problem description relating to the construction industry at All the problem descriptions submitted will be added to the hackathon challenge list. 

The digital construction hackathon is organised by the Digital Construction Cluster, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, and Garage48. The project is also supported by EAS (Enterprise Estonia) using the European Regional Development Fund’s resources.

The hackathon is part of the pre-event program of the international top conference World Summit On Digital Built Environment 2020. 

For additional information, please contact:

Ingrid Piirsalu
Head of Communications
Estonian Digital Construction Cluster
+ 372 56464035

WDBE2020 Updates


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