15–16 June 2021 | Online
Community Session: How can data-driven planning create more inclusive urban environments?
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The fourth WDBE Community Session explores data-driven possibilities in modern urban planning processes
This Community Session is a two-day event and organised in collaboration between Estonia and Denmark. The session will describe and analyse how the urban environments around us are being created. Our speakers will explain how we curretly use data in different parts of the processes that eventually construct, modify and re-build our cities. We will also discuss the ways in which data can inform and model the ways we will live and use our cities in the future.
Data is the new global currency, but what is value of data in urban planning? Is the full potential of data being used for planning, and should this be done at all? How could we unlock data-based processes that engage and benefit all stakeholders?
These are some of the topics being dealt with over two days from the perspective of two Nordic countries. According to folklore, the Danish flag revealed itself by falling from the skies in Tallinn, Estonia on 15 June 1219. Since then, Estonia and Denmark have been connected by a shared history. Exactly 802 years later, these two countries join to try to come up with answers to some of the challenges for building our modern cities.
Two days, two perspectives – a collaborative debate hosted by Denmark and Estonia
On June 15, the Estonian Digital Construction Cluster is hosting a discussion about modern planning processes in the living environment. Together we will be looking for answers as to how the environment around us is created. Does data give us some sense of how we will live and use space in the future, or is something else needed for this? Perhaps we as humans will be unable to shape our environment in the future: it will develop according to its own logic and instead reshape us. You will hear number of intriguing and thought-provoking presentations on these exciting topics.
On June 16, BLOXHUB and ConTech Lab in Copenhagen will host a discussion about data-driven possibilities in modern construction, and take a critical look on how data can create a better and more sustainable built environment: Can data transform the construction industry, and what are the opportunities and the risks? How do we approach and already use data today, and what is the potential in the future? We will discuss the fine line between basing our decision making on existing data and needing to engage the users in new and innovative ways.
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15th June, 15:30–18:00 EEST, Tallinn / 14:30–17:00 CEST, Copenhagen
Please note that all times are in EEST. The program is subject to change.
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Welcome and introduction
Jaan Saar, Head of Digital Construction Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Estonia (EST)
Community Talks + Q&A

Urban Analytics for “Good” City Design
Andres Sevtšuk, Associate Professor of Urban Science and Planning, MIT (US)
Over the last two decades, two rather different approaches to city design and analysis have dominated much of the discourse on urbanism: Smart Cities on the one hand, and people-centered cities on the other. While the former has advocated for extensive use of sensing and data analysis in urban decision making, the latter has predominantly focused on addressing basic human aspirations in city design, with relatively little or no emphasis on data analytics.
In this presentation Andres argues that data-driven approaches to urban planning need to be grounded in values and visions, which normative urban design theory can offer. Towards this end, he will illustrate a few recent research projects that engage in urban data science with a normative aim of supporting better, people-centered city design.

Public data for public use
Raul Kalvo, Architect, Inphysica Technology (EST)
How to combine public data for research and analysis to create value? In this session, Raul will share his experience in three different projects based on open public data: The new development strategy “Tallinn 2035” , Tartu parking norms, Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning for Tallinn region.

Free People Move
Kristjan Lepik, Teleport (EST)
Kristjan has worked on building software that removes barriers for talent to move to a new location. First with teleport.org and the with Topia, helping the world’s biggest companies to manage their talent movement. While working at Teleport, Kristjan advised European cities on how to build a city that attracts talent.

Enabling outcome-driven design by leveraging data
Raoul Lindberg, Real Estate Developer & Solution Consultant, Head of Delivery for Finland, Spacemaker (FIN) & Daniel Gameiro, Architect & Solution Consultant, Spacemaker (PT)
In this session, we will share how data enables outcome-driven design in early phase development. The presentation will cover technologies, processes, and real use-cases.
Community Panel
Joined by all speakers
Moderated by Jaan Saar, Head of Digital Construction, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications Estonia (EST)
Closing words
Session ends
16th June 11:00–13:00 EEST, Tallinn / 10:00–12:00 CEST, Copenhagen
Please note that all times are in EEST. The program is subject to change.

Pernille Berg, Science Manager, BLOXHUB (DEN)

Christina Haupt Toft, Head of Networks, Contech Lab (DEN)
Community Keynote

Can data generate appealing urban design?
Jakob Strømann-Andersen, Director of Innovation and Sustainability, Henning Larsen Architects (DEN)
Community Panel
Presenting cross-disciplinary perspectives:

Mohammed Almahmood, Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urban Design, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University (DEN)

Peter Bjørn Larsen, CEO, Smart City Insights (DEN)

Peter Weitzmann, Technical Development Manager, NCC (DEN)

Daniel Gameiro, Architect & Technical Sales Operations Manager, Spacemaker (NOR)
Community Keynote

Uncovering data sources through soft city sensing
Anders Koed Madsen, Associate Professor, Aalborg University (DEN)
Community Panel
Roundtable discussion with input from the audience
Mohammed Almahmood, Assistant Professor in Architecture and Urban Design, Imam Abdulrahman bin Faisal University (DEN)

Peter Bjørn Larsen, CEO, Smart City Insights

Peter Weitzmann, Technical Development Manager, NCC (DEN)

Jakob Strømann-Andersen, Director of Innovation and Sustainability, Henning Larsen Architects

Raoul Lindberg, Real Estate Developer & Solution Consultant, Head of Delivery for Finland, Spacemaker (FIN)
Session ends