Data guides sustainability decisions at YIT

Data and sustainability are both mega trends in the built environment discourse. Consequently, they have both been important development themes at YIT.

The value of data management has been acknowledged at YIT for a long time. Operations become more cost-efficient when decisions are based on easily available, accurate data. Similarly, accurate data helps to make more informed sustainability decisions. Therefore, a couple of years ago, we started to develop our own sustainability reporting platform in order to understand better the different environmental effects that our projects and operations have.

Holistic reporting solution through multi-disciplinary collaboration

No building is built without the collaboration between clients, design, and contractors. Similarly, no great reporting solution is created without data and analytics professionals, sustainability expertise, and of course, the insight from business and the users of the reports. I have truly been impressed by the seamless collaboration of YIT’s experts and professionals while developing the dynamic reporting model!

Our current development work on sustainability reporting platform focuses on waste, energy, CO2-emissions and environmental observations. Our goal is to offer our sites and businesses holistic reporting of the main environmental effects of their operations, with visibility from the project-level to higher levels of the organization. 

Continuously developing the reports

Reporting solutions evolve continuously. With new demands and fresh ideas, our reports can only improve with time. With more and more people using the reports, we can improve the data collection process and reporting accuracy in collaboration with different teams. 

A year ago, we published long-term sustainability targets regarding climate change mitigation. Currently, we are accelerating our development work by creating and updating roadmaps for concrete actions that will help us reach our sustainability targets. This work will step up our sustainability game the big way, and data is one of the main enablers of it.

YIT is the largest Finnish and significant North European construction company. We develop and build apartments and living services, business premises and entire areas. We are also specialised in demanding infrastructure construction. Read more about us at:

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