Who would be the best partner for us? What solutions would tend to our needs or reinforce our skills? Who should we involve in developing a new concept or where should we ask for advice? KIRAHub gets questions like these every week, in hopes of finding the perfect partner either locally or internationally for the questioner.
Every “Match Made in KIRAHub” is one of our greatest achievements. Our team is at your disposal when you want to find new partners and customers or bring new projects to life. We make sure that the right people from the right places can meet each other. We also make happy co-incidents happen, since many success stories have started from spontaneous encounters!
The digital breakthrough is a possibility to rethink things in a broader and more strategic way, but it also might narrow down our thinking due to bubbles and silos. We want to open up these silos not only within our industry, but between industries as well, and between the private and public sectors.


Content And Events with the tag: #MATCHMAKING
9 companies selected to Helsinki City Housing Company’s new Innovation Program
The Innovation Program, organised by Helsinki City Housing Company HEKA in collaboration with Gaia Consulting and KIRAHub, received 37 applications through an EU-wide open call for low-carbon housing solutions that closed in December.
Helsinki City Housing Company receives 37 applications for the Innovation Programme for low carbon housing solutions
Through an open call launched in October, Helsinki City Housing Company HEKA, the largest lessor in Finland received 39 applications from across Europe for their new innovation Program targeted towards innovative low carbon housing solutions.
WDBE-talks: The Importance of Immediacy – Talking BIM, VR/AR, and Supersensor Integration
WDBE UPDATES // WDBE Talks episode 12 released The Importance of Immediacy: Talking BIM, VR/AR, and Supersensor Integration with Rune Huse Karlstad. In this episode of WDBE talks, we sat down with Rune Huse Karlstad of Varjo Technologies to talk through the real-world...
Digital sensors can make construction more sustainable – BLOXHUB and ConTech Lab announce a Special Session at WDBE Summit
WDBE UPDATES // New Special Session at WDBE SummitSpecial Session at WDBE Summit – Digital sensors can make construction more sustainableAt the WDBE Summit on 28–29 September, the event's Danish collaborators BLOXHUB and ConTech Lab (Molio) will organise a 45 minute...
Half of annual product development investments in the AEC Industry could be covered by introducing electronic signing
Measures with an impact of more than EUR 100 million are considered significant for the national economy. Nine major operators in the real estate and construction sector advocated for such a measure by organising a joint challenge campaign ‘Away with Pens’. The...
WDBE-talks: Contemporary Supersensing: Discussing Client-Led Implementation
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WDBE-talks: Urgency and Scale: Discussing the Importance of Human-Led Supersensing
In this episode of WDBE Talks, we sat down with Dr. Sofie Pelsmakers of Tampere University to discuss the role of sensor technology in the modern built environment and the continuing need for sustainable change within the contemporary built environment. Our conversation covered the need to address the ‘performance gap’ within the sector, the ethical issues surrounding data capture, and obstacles impeding change.
Urgency and Scale: Discussing the Importance of Human-Led Supersensing with Sofie Pelsmakers.
In the run-up to WDBE 2021, we talked with Dr. Sofie Pelsmakers, the Associate Professor for Sustainable Architecture and Sustainable Housing Design at Tampere University. Our conversation covered the importance of implementing human-led sensor technology, the need for continuous research, and the role urban supersensing can play when it comes to sustainability and improving quality of life.
BOOST – A-Insinöörit startup program challenges entrepreneurs but peers also
Property technology, or PropTech, is very much in the hands of the established companies of real estate and construction. They excel in design, construction and property development – they govern projects and customer relationships.The industry constantly improve...
WDBE-talks: Closing the Loop – Discussing Automation and Realtime Supersensing
In this episode of WDBE Talks, we sat down with Brian Ringley of Boston Dynamics to discuss the role robots can play on-site when it comes to scanning and data capture. Our conversation covered the challenges of operating autonomously in construction, the importance of digital twins, and the renewed need for remote site access in a post-covid world.