27th May 2021 at 15:00–17:00 CEST (2:00 PM–4:00 PM BST) | Online
Community Session: Why we need a real-time picture of the construction site?
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The third WDBE2021 Community Session explored technologies that improve construction productivity by 20-50%
Real-time process control and management is no longer the prerogative of factories. With reality capture, IoT, data integration, and project management technologies, any construction site can achieve a similar control and foresight level.
Moreover, the technologies can be deployed by different participants for different purposes – from subcontractors to main contractors and project managers, to clients. Critical questions include participants’ willingness to share their data with collaborators to gain real project insights.
The international webinar featured trailblazers in real-time construction site technology
The attendees heard about practical examples of technology deployments on construction sites, from businesses that are exploring new ways of working digitally.
participants registered
nationalities represented
Please note that all times are in CEST. The program is subject to change.

Welcome and introduction
Aarni Heiskanen, Construction Innovation Agent at AEC Business

Paul Wilkinson, consultant, writer, and speaker at Extranet Evolution
Community Talks

The paradox of “good quality documentation”
Oskar Smeds, Congrid

Leading with data – At the center of all lean activities
Sakari Pesonen, Fira Smart

Why we need a real-time picture of the construction site
Olli Seppänen, Professor, Aalto University
Q&A with the presenters facilitated by Aarni and Paul

Real-time project management: the live site
James Ellis, Head of sales, VisiLean

Real-time construction site productivity analysis
Pyry Virrantaus, COO & Partner, Aiforsite
Q&A with the presenters facilitated by Aarni and Paul
Session ends