Data flow in the Construction Lifecycle
17th April 2020 | Online event
The digital twin will ensure the lifecycle data flow
Port of Tallinn has been developing a fully digital port concept. D-terminal reconstruction is their first project that has been procured with BIM requirements for the designers and the contractor and as-built model will be requested at handover. This digital twin will act as the basis for maintenance process.
Project participant’s experience and challenges throughout the process will be shared by Hele-Mai Metsal and Riho Joala (Port of Tallinn), Peter Haab (Sweco Projekt), Miina Karafin (Nordecon), Vaiko Veeleid (Hades Geodeesia) and Taavi Liiv (Tulitec).
The seminar will be opened by Antti Peltokorpi, an assistant professor in construction operations management at Aalto University, who will be giving an introductory lecture focused on recent research-based innovations and developments regarding digitalization in construction projects and operations.
The seminar is free to attend but requires pre-registration. You can register for the event on-line here.
This seminar is hosted by the Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications and Estonian Digital Construction Cluster and organized in co-operation with Port of Tallinn, Nordecon, Sweco, Hades Geodeesia and Tulitec. This event is financially supported by Enterprise Estonia via the European Regional Development Fund via the European Regional Development Fund. The seminar is also part of a series of pre-events leading up to the World Summit on the Digital Built Environment (WDBE) in Helsinki/Tallinn on September 2020
Participants joined the event online
Event Agenda
“Digital transformation of construction projects and operations” presented by Antti Peltokorpi Assistant Professor of Operations Management in Construction at Aalto UniversitySchool of Engineering.
He will introduce the concept of digitalized situation picture which is created for the project by utilizing various existing sensor technologies and information sources to support informed decision making and project management and the concept of direct digital construction (DDC) with practical examples.
Video & Panel discussion
Via video the story behind the creation of the fully digital port concept for Terminal D at the Port of Tallinn will be outlined, and a panel discussion will be held on the challenges posed by and future potential of data flow in the construction lifecycle.
The reconstruction of terminal D has been the first project for Port of Tallin that was put together by the designers and the contractor in accordance with Building Information Modelling (BIM) requirements. The development of these requirements was guided by the need to use the digital twin of the building in the maintenance phase as well.

This event is part of WDBE2020 programme
World Summit on the Digital Built Environment 2020 brings together professionals from the public and private sector globally. This year our summit offers global pre-events and three exciting, action packed days in Helsinki, Tallinn and on the boat in between.