WDBE Summit // online // 28–29 September 2021
Welcome to WDBE Summit, the annual online main event of World of Digital Built Environment and the connected global expert community!
WDBE Summit programme published – scroll down or click button for pdf!
>> Personal access links have been delivered to ticket holders – if you haven’t received yours, please contact Sami Lankiniemi (+358 40 7662263, sami@kirahub.org)
The culmination of the year, WDBE Summit 2021, will take place on 28-29 September 2021 online and concludes the shared sensemaking of the theme “Unlocking Urban Supersensing” with the best inspirational keynote speakers and most profound thought-leader panel discussions.
WDBE2021 Summit brings the forerunners of the digital built environment together for the fourth time in a row. Welcome to spend two inspiring days unlocking the urban supersensing! The Summit will highlight the brightest minds and innovations under our theme of the year – the discussion gathered from our free Community Sessions will create a comprehensive background from where to start. The Summit is of course also packed with inspirational keynotes, panel discussions, solution highlights and matchmaking opportunities with our global ecosystem of industry forerunners.
And who you can meet? WDBE brings together experts working with BIM, VDC, AR/VR, Big Data, analytics, IOT solutions, virtual project delivery etc. Our attendees are CDOs, CTOs, CIOs, architects, project managers, experts and researchers from around the world. WDBE participants come from Finland, Estonia, Denmark, Sweden, Germany, United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Switzerlands and the Netherlands
8 high-level Keynotes
+40 expert presentations
Thought-leader panels
Online networking tool
Get your ticket
Standard Ticket
The Standard ticket is your personal pass to all WDBE Summit keynotes, community sessions and networking opportunities on a virtual platform.
199€ + vat
Standard Group Ticket
The Standard group ticket offers all the Standard ticket’s benefits for a lower price when buying 5 or more tickets.
*VAT can be waived for EU organizations with a valid VAT number and organizations outside EU.
149€ + vat
Keynote speakers
Lorri Rowlandson
Senior Vice President of Strategy and Innovation
Brian Ringley
Construction Technology Manager
Boston Dynamics (US)
Aviad Almagor
Division Vice President, Emerging Technologies
Trimble (US)
Sofie Pelsmakers
Assistant professor, Tampere University (FI)
Danielle Dy Buncio
Co-founder & CEO
VIATechnik (US)
Rune Huse Karlstad
Business Developer AEC, Oil & Gas at Varjo (NO)
Jeff Schumacher
Real Estate and Security Regional Lead
Microsoft (IRL)
Håvard Haukeland
Co-founder of Spacemaker, now Senior Director at Autodesk (NO)
DAY 1 – 28th September 2021
Please note that all times are in EEST.
Buy your WDBE ticket now for 199€ + VAT – click here!
Morning get-together – open chat room for all attendees
Breakout Room: Find your next opportunity in Helsinki
Hosted by Helsinki Business Hub’s Irma Ylikangas, Senior Business Advisor and Sonja Malin, Senior Business Advisor.
Opening of the Summit
Keynote Session

KEYNOTE 1: Rune Huse Karlstad (Varjo) – “Practical use of XR and the future metaverse in AEC”
KEYNOTE 2: Håvard Haukeland (Spacemaker) – “How early phase analytics bring business value in real estate development”
Shared Q&A with the keynote speakers
Networking Break
Community sessions
Community Session 1: Common language and data platforms
Common Language for the Built Environment
Jaan Saar, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs & Communications, Estonia
Real Time Data and Application Sharing and Collaboration For The Building Energy Domain
Nikos Sakkas, APINTECH LTD, Cyprus
E-construction Platform Implementation
Taavi Jakobson, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs & Communications, Estonia
Digitizing spatial planning field
Kermo Mägi, Estonian Ministry of Finance, Estonia
National Digital Twin
Ingrid Aasoja-Zverev, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs & Communications, Estonia
Czech Data Construction standard (DSS) and classification system (CCI) – principles, vision and actual status
Jaroslav Nechyba, Czech Agency for Standardization, Czech Republic
Community Session 2: Smart and sustainable cities
Accelerating sustainability in cities by digital tools
Suvi Monni, Sitowise, Finland
Sauli Heino, Sitowise, Finland
Supersensing of the Units of National Built Environments On Real-Time Enabled by Digitalization
Pekka Huovinen, Business Management PJH, Finland
Smart Infrastructure as a cornerstone of Smart City
Samuli Virtanen, Sitowise, Finland
What’s AI’s role in creation of sustainable societies?
Janne Liuttu, Ramboll, Finland
Maptionnaire – Insights that enable cities to change
Anna Broberg, Mapita Oy, Finland
Is Smart City the next moon shot?
Kalle Nieminen, Sitowise, Finland
Networking break & lunch
Panel discussion & special session with Helsinki Business Hub
Public Sector Panel
At this session, we will hear about the governmental roadmaps for digitalisation of the built environment in Finland, Estonia and Denmark.
The discussion will be moderated by Aarni Heiskanen, Construction Innovation Agent at AEC Business and Paul Wilkinson, consultant, writer, and speaker at Extranet Evolution
Juhana Rautiainen, Ministry of the Environment, Finland
Taavi Jakobson, Ministry of the Economic Affairs and Communication, Estonia
Michael Friis Ørsted, Buildings Department of the City of Copenhagen, Denmark
Introduction to the Helsinki Ecosystem – New Built Environment Opportunities
Open call: digital green maps for better cities
At this session, our smart city experts Irma Ylikangas and Sonja Malin will share information about the business opportunities in the built environment ecosystem in Helsinki and stories of successful projects. They are joined by other city representatives to present the newest open call for digital urban plant life mapping solutions
Join to hear what Helsinki can offer you and your company!
Irma Ylikangas, Senior Business Advisor, Helsinki Business Hub
Sonja Malin, Senior Business Advisor, Helsinki Business Hub
Lauri Lemmenlehti, Natural Environment Digitalization Expert, Helsinki Business Hub
Networking break
Special session with BLOXHUB and ConTech Lab
Digital sensors can make construction more sustainable
With sensors, we get new senses that are razor sharp day and night and that can help optimize our construction processes and drive our buildings better. There are many different solutions on the market that help solve most of the challenges that construction faces. Sensors can optimize both the construction phase and the operational phase and make construction more sustainable.
The business case is obvious even though we rarely see the IoT solutions in use. This applies to both new construction and operation of existing buildings. We will elaborate on how to kickstart the use of IoT technology making construction more sustainable and more productive.
The session is hosted by ConTech Lab’s Christina Haupt Toft, Network Director and Jakob Norman-Hansen, Head of Global Networks at BLOXHUB.
Casper Bernhøj Harlev – Sensohive
Rebekka Pallesen – HD Lab
Lars Andersen – NCC
Networking break
Breakout Room: Find your next opportunity in Helsinki
Hosted by Helsinki Business Hub’s Irma Ylikangas, Senior Business Advisor and Sonja Malin, Senior Business Advisor.
opening of the Evening session
Community sessions
Community Session 3: Hybrid work and smart facilities management
Shaping Human Experience – A focus on hybrid work and four emerging worker profiles
Sofia Jakas, Jones Lang LaSalle Finland Oy, Finland
Decision Support System based on Occupancy-Oriented Digital Twin for Facility Management
Laura Pellegrini, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
BIMLIFE Platform: An ecosystem of multiple digital twins for building operations
Francisco Forns-Samso, Granlund, Finland
Technology in built environment – the dependencies in an environment enabling all the smart solutions
Hanna Pikkusaari, Osaango, Finland
Futureproofing and scaling machine learning for occupancy prediction
Davor Stjelja, Granlund Oy, Finland
Wayfinder in complex construction areas
Merja Taipaleenmäki, Citynomadi, Finland
Community Session 4:Optimizing design and project management
A comprehensive twin-based Building Design Health Check
Christian Schunicht, Twingine, Germany
Calculation of the Smart Readiness Indicator for a sample of buildings in South Tyrol ies
Ulrich Klammsteiner, Agentur für Energie Südtirol – KlimaHaus, Italy
Urban spatial sensing for social inclusion and disruption of the limits
Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue, University of Turin, Italy
Collaborative project risk management and benchmarking
Sami Kärnä, Inclus, Finland
Iffent – automated design team assembly!
Paavo Pärn, Iffent, Estonia
Circular 369 Pattern Buildings
Renee Puusepp, Creatomus Solutions / Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia
networking break
Keynote session

Keynote 3: Lorri Rowlandson (BGIS) – “The Digital “Office” – How data is transforming the built environment and the way we work”
KEYNOTE 4: DANIELLE DY BUNCIO (VIATechnik) – “Virtual Design & Construction“
Shared Q&A with the keynote speakers
Closing of the day 1
Evening Get-together – open chat room for all attendees
DAY 2 – 29th September 2021
Please note that all times are in EEST.
Buy your WDBE ticket now for 199€ + VAT – click here!
Morning get-together – open chat room for all attendees
Breakout Room: Find your next opportunity in Helsinki
Hosted by Helsinki Business Hub’s Irma Ylikangas, Senior Business Advisor and Sonja Malin, Senior Business Advisor.
Morning session
Opening of the day 2

Keynote 5: JEFF SCHUMACHER (Microsoft) – “Data-driven Facilities Management”
KEYNOTE 6: SOFIE PELSMAKERS (TUNI) – “Sustainable Architecture & Housing Design“
Shared Q&A with the keynote speakers
Networking break
Community sessions
Community Session 5: Sustainable buildings and circular economy
Boosting Sustainability: The Role of Sensing and Data Analytics in Operating and Maintaining Built Assets
Susanne Knorr, Arcadis, United Kingdom
The environmental impact of integrating Building Information Modelling (BIM): A systematic review and case study
Marie-France Stendahl, Lund University, Sweden
Nordic Swan Ecolabelling of buildings
Riikka Holopainen, Ecolabelling Finland, Finland
Four challenges of real assets’ lifecycle valuation
Katja Rodionova, Sitowise, Finland
Case study on a Dutch socially sustainable circular economy IoT platform
Jenny Heikinheimo, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Community Session 6: BIM-based permit and digital handover
BIM-based building permits in Estonia
Christopher-Robin Raitviir, Estonian Ministry of Economic Affairs & Communications, Estonia
Kunta3D- latest findings of combining BIM & GIS
Petri Kokko, Finland
Digital Handover of construction projects
Harri Majala, GBuilder, Finland
How not to get lost on a BIM2FM journey!
Mihkel Metsala, Reminet Ltd, Estonia
Kaia Kirs, Reminet Ltd, Estonia
Connecting IoT to IFC, Customer case
Alexander Le Bell, Tridify, Finland
Networking break & lunch
Hackathon session
Networking break
Breakout Room: Find your next opportunity in Helsinki
Hosted by Helsinki Business Hub’s Irma Ylikangas, Senior Business Advisor and Sonja Malin, Senior Business Advisor.
Opening of the evening session
Community sessions
Community Session 7: Mixed reality for AEC and nature
Moderator: Tuija Pakkanen, Ministry of Environment, Finland
Let’s Play the AEC Game
Jarkko Männistö, Sitowise, Finland
New technology boosts efficiency of augmented reality
Adrian Merkel, FRAMENCE GmbH, Germany
Pedro Aibeo, Architectural Democracy, Finland
Modelling urban green for digital twins
Lauri Lemmenlehti, Forum Virium Helsinki, Finland
Crafting a Virtual Nature Concept – A case example of Aukio
Aki Päivärinne, Granlund Oy, Finland
Sami Kämppi, OiOi Collective, Finland
Jenni Herkama, Rune & Berg Design Ltd, Finland
GreenTwins: New tools for collaborative planning of green environments
Pilvi Nummi, Aalto University, TalTech, Finland
Henna Fabritius, TalTech, Finland
Petri Kangassalo, Aalto University, Finland
Viktorija Prilenska, TalTech, Estonia
Community Session 8: Future technology-driven business models
The Future of Architecture and the World of the Digital Built Environment
Terry Beaubois, BKS: Building Knowledge Systems, United States
4V’s of Digital Twin Business Models
Erika Parn, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Data insights to drive real estate transactions
Natalia Rincon, CHAOS Architects, Finland
Probabilistic Blockchains: Political Gridlock And A Path Towards Open Finance in P3 Infrastructure
Aktham Dabbas, University of Texas at Austin, United States
Urban energy systems’ digital twin for multi-objective optimization as a basis for collaborative decision making
Alice Chevrier, Urban Sympheny AG, Switzerland
Case YIT Workery+ – The Smartest Building of 2021 and a new business model combining co-working and flexible office leases for the new hybrid workplace
Anders Stenbäck, YIT, Finland
networking break

KEYNOTE 7: AVIAD ALMAGOR (Trimble) – “On-Site Supersensing and the Future of Automation: Discussing Construction, Robotics, and Contemporary Data Capture“
KEYNOTE 8: BRIAN RINGLEY (Boston Dynamics) – “Closing the Loop: Discussing Automation and Realtime Supersensing“
Shared Q&A with the keynote speakers
Closing of the summit
Evening Get-together – open chat room for all attendees