Low-carbon construction materials, smarter construction and tools to municipalities and regions for climate change adaptation – 46 projects to boost green transition in built environment
The four rounds of applications under the Low-carbon Built Environment Programme have provided EUR 13.6 million in funding for projects that promote climate work related to the built environment. At least two more application rounds will be organised, and the next one will begin at the Ministry of the Environment on 17 October 2022. The third application round of Business Finland will be open until the end of October.
“The built environment produces about one third of greenhouse gas emissions in Finland. On the other hand, the green transition offers great business opportunities for the construction sector as well, including the fact that the demand for solutions to improve energy and material efficiency and halt biodiversity loss will continue to grow. There is a lot of demand for Finnish innovations around the world, and those who lead the way will have much to gain,” says Minister of the Environment and Climate Change Maria Ohisalo.
Business Finland supports export-oriented projects – third call for applications open until 31 October
Business Finland has already granted a total of EUR 11.5 million in funding for 17 projects that are targeted to export operations. Four of the projects are co-innovation projects run jointly by companies and research institutes, which are composed of projects of six research institutes and 14 companies. The total number of individual projects under way is 13. The latest call for applications of Business Finland will end on 31 October 2022.
Projects assisted by Business Finland explore e.g. how emissions from concrete can be halved and how a data model can be used to automatically steer a low-emission construction machine fleet. In many of the projects data-based methods and tools are developed that support the systemic transition towards a low-carbon construction sector.
These include methods that organisations can use to manage carbon dioxide data in their supply chains and identify where the potential for reducing environmental impacts is the greatest. The projects also study operating models and indicators that can be used to control the carbon footprint of regional and construction projects. Digital tools, such as the so-called digital twin, can contribute to using materials and energy more efficiently and support the development of the sector towards industrial construction.
Ministry of the Environment also assists projects of actors operating only in Finland – third call for applications opens on 17 October 2022
So far, the Ministry of the Environment has provided a total of about EUR 2.1 million in funding to 29 projects. These projects are being implemented by companies, local governments, educational institutions and NGOs. The next application rounds of the Ministry of the Environment will be open from 17 October 2022 to 11 November 2022 and from 6 February 2023 to 3 March 2023.
The projects assisted by the Ministry of the Environment are concerned e.g. with developing methods and tools that enable regions and municipalities to take climate change preparedness and adaptation better into account in their operations and leadership. The projects also study low-carbon construction materials such as clay and the lifecycle of wood material, improve the efficiency of energy systems for buildings and develop tools for calculating the lifecycle emissions of construction.
The projects will make it possible for designers and builders to take the emission impacts of construction products even better into account. In one of the projects a calculator is developed by which housing companies can find out their own carbon footprint and the positive “carbon handprint” of their actions and increase information on the climate impacts of housing. Projects that promote the circular economy in construction are also included.
Projects that have been funded can be followed in programme’s ‘situation room’
You can read more about the projects funded under the programme in the ‘situation room’ on the website of the Low-Carbon Built Environment Programme. There you will find information on the objectives and timetables of the projects and on their potential to reduce emissions from the built environment. Project cards are added to the service on an ongoing basis.
Projects were also be presented at a seminar held on 4 October. A recording of the event is available online.
- Projects that have received funding in the programme’s ‘situation room’ (in Finnish)Linkki toiselle sivustolle
- Recording of the seminar on 4 October 2022: Projects under the Low-carbon Built Environment Programme (in Finnish)Linkki toiselle sivustolle

Maija Stenvall
Project Coordinator
Ministry of the Environment
p. 0295 25 0354

Virpi Mikkonen
Account Lead
Business Finland
p.050 5577 930