Who would be the best partner for us? What solutions would tend to our needs or reinforce our skills? Who should we involve in developing a new concept or where should we ask for advice? KIRAHub gets questions like these every week, in hopes of finding the perfect partner either locally or internationally for the questioner.
Every “Match Made in KIRAHub” is one of our greatest achievements. Our team is at your disposal when you want to find new partners and customers or bring new projects to life. We make sure that the right people from the right places can meet each other. We also make happy co-incidents happen, since many success stories have started from spontaneous encounters!
The digital breakthrough is a possibility to rethink things in a broader and more strategic way, but it also might narrow down our thinking due to bubbles and silos. We want to open up these silos not only within our industry, but between industries as well, and between the private and public sectors.
Content And Events with the tag: #MATCHMAKING
VIRTUAL WDBE 2020 Sessions
Based on submissions received from our global ecosystem of future builders we are happy to release this year's preliminary community sessions. 4 themes with 8 sessions and 50 presentations in two days building our shared illusion. Buy a ticket to our virtual summit...
PRESS RELEASE: Forerunners of the digital built environment are meeting in a virtual twin city of the future
PRESS RELEASE, For immediate release, June 16th, 2020. WDBE 2020 goes virtual with Zoan.
WDBE-talks: Hacking the Sustainable Urban Future at BLOXHUB
The AEC Hackathon at BLOXHUB in Copenhagen engaged 154 attendees from 33 countries to work on interesting urban challenges over a February weekend. The two WDBE Talks guests were there but in different roles.
WDBE-talks: Redefining Sustainability Through Future-Proof Real Estate Investments
Redefining Sustainability Through Future-Proof Real Estate Investments, WWF Life EconomisE KIRA-challenge
WDBE-talks: Redefining sustainability through BIM Based Building Permits
Redefining sustainability through BIM Based Building Permits – podcast with Francesca Noardo and Rick Klooster, interviiewed by Aarni Heiskanen.
PRE2: AEC Hackathon
Once again BLOXHUB partnered up with the international hackathon organization, AEC Hackathon to bring together the brightest minds and innovators from the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, Construction) industry.
PRE1: BIM Based Building Permits
Utilizing Building Information Models (BIM) to automate the building permit process may be the “killer app” for BIM that many of us have been waiting for.
Day 3: Site Visits in Tallinn
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Day 2: Tallinn
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Day 1: Helsinki & the Ferry
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