Open Source Wood Hackathon Nordic

Open Source Wood Hackathon brings people from across many discipline together to generate amazing timber building. Participants come together, ideate, problem solve and present their ideas – all in one day! It’s an intense and fun day where you will meet a lot of people in an environment with a healthy spirit of competition, plenty of experimentation, and lots of cooperation.
The Challenge is to create an innovative wood element for building design in multidisciplinary teams, mentored by experts. People come together to solve a challenge in groups of about 5 individuals, and dive into a challenge. Each event has its own unique challenge.

Ready to get collaborative with other professionals
of wood construction?

The next Open Source Wood hackathon takes place in Espoo Finland in September.  The hackathon is a pre-event for Forum Wood Building Nordic. Register now. 
Program of the Hackathon Nordic 25.9.2019
  • 09:30 Start of the event
  • Opening words
  • Introduction to the challenge
  • Lunch
  • Team work
  • Team presentations
  • 17:00 Awarding winners