PropTech Finland -ecosystem


Uniting the Finnish PropTech ecosystem

PropTech Finland’s mission is to foster a thriving ecosystem for innovation in the Finnish built environment. We unite startups, established companies, and investors to drive the development, adoption, and internationalization of property technology solutions.

Our focus areas include:

  • Nurturing the Startup Community: Providing support and resources to help startups grow and succeed, including access to funding, mentorship, and networking opportunities.
  • Promoting Collaboration: Facilitating connections between startups, corporations, and investors to accelerate the adoption of PropTech innovations.
  • Showcasing Finnish Expertise: Raising the international profile of Finnish PropTech companies and helping them expand into global markets.
  • Driving Sustainable Digitalization: Championing solutions that contribute to a more sustainable and efficient built environment.

The ecosystem’s management and decision-making are carried out as part of the steering group activities, which are organized by KIRAHub. Participation in the steering group requires collaboration membership with KIRAHub. The group’s activities are communicated openly to all stakeholders.

Join the steering group

Chairman of the steering group:
Jaakko Jauhiainen

Vice president of the steering group: Aarni Heiskanen

Coordinator of the ecosystem:
Vappu Id

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